This is a dog bred to chase and the specific proportions are worth noting. The Portuguese breeders/hunters have done fabulous job in maintaining breed function from the smallest to the tallest of the Pequeno and in many cases, have shared their wealth of knowledge with the next generation of breeders in many different countries.

Because they are used small packs it was important in the development of the Pequeno to have a range in size from 8-12 inches without losing the type and function of the breed. They are a fearless little dog with a high-pitched bark called the maticar that sounds off when they are excited. They need to have stamina and endurance to be out in the field and the trainability to return to the hunter with their quarry. It searches for rabbits in holes, dense shrubs and on/over rocks going into crevices to flush out the rabbits.

The Pequeno (smallest of three sizes) is primarily used as a rabbit hunting dog in its native Portugal. It is no different for the breeders of the Portuguese Podengo Pequenos. “We’re very excited about the fact that Westminster can play a leadership role in embracing, really, the sport of dogs,” purebred or not, said Westminster President Sean McCarthy.We have all heard the term used before, “ form follows function” and when planning our next generation of dogs’, it is what we all keep in mind, right? Have you asked yourself “ Is the dog I am showing in the conformation ring capable of performing the function of the breed as it was intended?” Westminster leaders say the show is a celebration of all dogs, and they’re pleased to make a place for mixed-breeds in a fast-growing canine pursuit. Purebred enthusiasts, meanwhile, consider breeding a way to develop and preserve different traits and help people select a compatible pet. They see dog breeding as an unhealthy exercise in genetic engineering and say it’s insensitive to breed dogs while others languish in shelters.

The pros and cons of pedigreed and mixed-breed animals have long been a sensitive subject in dogdom animal rights activists have protested Westminster itself. It doesn’t matter who their mother or father was.” It doesn’t matter what your dog looks like. About seven years later, Palmerini is thrilled that Alfie will be among the mixed breeds - or “all-American” dogs in Westminster parlance - going up against purebred competitors at the elite event. He proved to have more energy than even 4-mile daily walks could absorb, and agility training provided an outlet. She wasn’t planning to get a dog, but she felt for the curly-haired, black-and-white puppy and took him home to Toms River, N.J. Owner Irene Palmerini spotted him in a mall pet store, marked down to $99. No mixed-breed dogs have appeared anywhere at Westminster since the 138-year-old event’s early days, organizers said at a news conference Wednesday.īut this year, Alfie the apparently-part-poodle, part-terrier will be among the dogs weaving around poles, walking up a plank and springing over jumps on the agility course.Īlfie’s background isn’t rarefied. It’s a notable embrace for the nation’s premier canine event, which also is adding three breeds at next month’s show: the Chinook, the Portuguese podengo pequeno and the rat terrier. While Labradoodles, puggles and who-knows-whats won’t be able to vie for the prestigious Best in Show award, they’ll be included in its new agility trial. NEW YORK (AP) - Long the province of the purebred, the Westminster Kennel Club dog show is opening a doggie door this year to mixed-breed competitors.